安装Oracle WebCenter Content并将其与Oracle WebCenter Portal集成
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We’ve discussed before installing and configuring of Content Repository into your environment and gets it integrated with Apache Pluto Portal. Actually Jackrabbit isn’t only Content Repository that you may use, a lot of Repositories are provided from different vendors/parties that can be help you exposing your contents.

在将内容存储库安装和配置到您的环境中之前,我们已经进行了讨论,并将其与Apache Pluto Portal集成在一起。 实际上,Jackrabbit不仅是您可以使用的内容存储库,而且许多来自不同供应商/合作伙伴的存储库也可以帮助您公开内容。

One of the most leading company in this field is Oracle as it provides Oracle WebCenter Content Server that can be integrated seamlessly with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Oracle是该领域最领先的公司之一,因为它提供了可与Oracle WebCenter Portal无缝集成的Oracle WebCenter Content Server。

We’ve stated earlier different ways that could help you acquiring Jackrabbit repository instance; JNDI, RMI & ServletContext are mainly used to retrieve the contents inside Jackrabbit repository.

前面我们已经介绍了各种不同的方法来帮助您获取Jackrabbit存储库实例。 JNDI,RMI和ServletContext主要用于检索Jackrabbit存储库中的内容。

Just like Jackrabbit, different types of integration ways that can be used to integrate Oracle Webcenter Content with Portal. This tutorial will discuss the Socket way as it mostly used to achieve that,.

与Jackrabbit一样,可以使用不同类型的集成方式将Oracle Webcenter Content与Portal集成。 本教程将讨论最常用的Socket方法。

介绍 (Introduction)

Oracle WebCenter Content is an integrated suite of products designed for managing content, it contains a lot of products underneath and they are enclosed as following:

Oracle WebCenter Content是为管理内容而设计的集成产品套件,它在下面包含许多产品,其内容如下:

  • Oracle WebCenter Content (WebCenter Content): Which includes WebCenter content server, provides a unified application for several types of content management.

    Oracle WebCenter Content(WebCenter内容):包括WebCenter内容服务器,它为多种类型的内容管理提供了统一的应用程序。
  • Oracle WebCenter Content (Inbound Refinery): Is a conversion server that manages file conversions for electronic assets such as documents, digital images, and motion video.

    Oracle WebCenter Content(入站精炼厂):是一种转换服务器,用于管理电子资产(如文档,数字图像和动态视频)的文件转换。
  • Oracle WebCenter Content (Imaging): Is an integrated framework of client software modules with an customizable user interface for managing documents from image capture to archiving.

    Oracle WebCenter Content(影像):是客户端软件模块的集成框架,具有可自定义的用户界面,用于管理从图像捕获到归档的文档。
  • Oracle WebCenter Content (AXF for BPM): AXF for BPM creates configurable business components, with the application development and configuration capabilities provided by technologies such Oracle Business Process Management (Oracle BPM), Oracle Metadata services Repository (MDS), Oracle Business Rules. These components can be administered to be configured and used in any integrated solutions for Oracle WebCenter business applications.

    Oracle WebCenter内容(用于BPM的AXF):用于BPM的AXF使用由Oracle业务流程管理(Oracle BPM),Oracle元数据服务存储库(MDS),Oracle业务规则等技术提供的应用程序开发和配置功能,创建可配置的业务组件。 可以对这些组件进行管理,以在Oracle WebCenter业务应用程序的任何集成解决方案中进行配置和使用。

Some of these components mentioned above may require additional steps to be integrated and used seamlessly, but actually we’re trying to provide you the most minimum steps to get Oracle Webcenter Content integrated with Oracle Webcenter Portal.

上面提到的某些组件可能需要集成和无缝使用其他步骤,但是实际上,我们正在尝试为您提供最少的步骤,以使Oracle Webcenter Content与Oracle Webcenter Portal集成在一起。

初步步骤 (Preliminary Step)

As Oracle WebCenter Content requires a Middleware home and an application server onto your system, we’ve assumed that you already get installed Oracle WebCenter Portal into your environment. If you didn’t install it yet do that now by following  Tutorial.

由于Oracle WebCenter Content在系统上需要中间件主目录和应用服务器,因此我们假定您已经将Oracle WebCenter Portal安装到您的环境中。 如果尚未安装,请遵循教程 。

If you didn’t install Oracle Webcenter Portal, you will get finally an installed instance of Oracle Webcenter Content which can be maintained by using Oracle Webcenter Content administration application.

如果未安装Oracle Webcenter Portal,则最终将获得一个已安装的Oracle Webcenter Content实例,可以使用Oracle Webcenter Content管理应用程序对其进行维护。

安装Oracle Webcenter Content(WCC) (Install Oracle Webcenter Content (WCC))

Installing of Oracle Webcenter Content Server isn’t so differ from what you already did with Oracle Webcenter Portal with some additional steps:

Oracle Webcenter Content Server的安装与您对Oracle Webcenter Portal所做的安装没有太大区别,但需要一些额外的步骤:

  • Download Oracle Webcenter Content from or form Oracle Delivery Site if you have an official account. Make sure you’re downloading both of two disks. You should have both files like you see in the figure below:

    如果您有正式帐户,请从下载Oracle Webcenter Content或从Oracle Delivery Site下载。 确保同时下载两个磁盘。 您应该拥有两个文件,如下图所示:
  • Open your command line console.

  • Navigate into your Webcenter Content (WCC) disk 1. I assumed you specify the following location for your installation. D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleContentServer\ofm_wcc_generic_11.\Disk1\install\win64 and type setup.exe.

    导航到Webcenter Content(WCC)磁盘1。我假定您为安装指定以下位置。 D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleContentServer\ofm_wcc_generic_11.\Disk1\install\win64并键入setup.exe
  • Within showed screen type the location of your JDK. I assumed you have one beneath of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55.

    在显示的屏幕中,键入JDK的位置。 我假设您在C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55
  • Waiting till the WCC installer welcome screen being displayed.

  • Make option Skip Software Updates unchecked and click next.

  • Waiting installer checking its requirement and click next.

  •  Specify installation location. Mainly, you should specify a Middleware directory that supports installing if Oracle Webcenter Content (WCC) This version of WCC is already compatible with Weblogic Server Middleware 10.3.6 that’s already installed in the Preliminary steps above.

    指定安装位置。 主要是,如果Oracle Webcenter Content(WCC),则应指定一个支持安装的中间件目录。 此版本的WCC已与上面的“初步”步骤中已安装的Weblogic Server中间件10.3.6兼容。
  • Name your WCC Oracle Home Directory that would lead you for a created directory inside your Middleware. I assumed your Middleware home beneath D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware and your Oracle Home Directory Oracle_ECM.

    命名您的WCC Oracle主目录,该目录将引导您在中间件中创建目录。 我假设您的中间件位于D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware和您的Oracle主目录Oracle_ECM
  • Click next and make sure your selected Weblogic server is checked. Also, double check your Application Server Location and click next.

    单击下一步,并确保选中了您选择的Weblogic服务器。 另外,再次检查您的应用服务器位置,然后单击下一步。
  • Take advantage of your Installation Summary screen to do last check for your installation details; Directory Details, Disk Space and Applications. This screen may be saved for later use.

    利用“安装摘要”屏幕来最后检查安装细节; 目录详细信息,磁盘空间和应用程序。 该屏幕可以保存以备后用。
  • Waiting installer till it requested you specifying the second disk. Specify the location just like this D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleContentServer\ofm_wcc_generic_11.\Disk2\stage.

    等待安装程序,直到它要求您指定第二个磁盘。 像下面这样指定位置D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleContentServer\ofm_wcc_generic_11.\Disk2\stage
  • Once you get a completed message from WCC installer, this is an indicator that you’re installed WCC successfully.

  • Click next and then finish.

  • By finishing the installation you may notice that you have the following components installed into your WCC Home; Oracle Webcenter Content Server, Oracle Webcenter Content Imaging, Oracle Information Rights Management, Oracle Webcenter Capture and Oracle Webcenter Manager.

    完成安装后,您可能会注意到您已在WCC主页中安装了以下组件; Oracle Webcenter Content Server,Oracle Webcenter Content Imaging,Oracle信息权限管理,Oracle Webcenter Capture和Oracle Webcenter Manager。

扩展Oracle Webcenter Portal架构 (Extend Oracle Webcenter Portal Schema)

If you recall, part of installing of Oracle Webcenter Portal was preparing the required schema. This step is mainly considered as a mandatory if you want to leverage your Oracle Webcenter Portal facility.

您还记得吗,安装Oracle Webcenter Portal的一部分是准备所需的架构。 如果要利用Oracle Webcenter Portal工具,则通常将此步骤视为必需步骤。

The same one would be happened here for Oracle Webcenter Content, but the exceptional case here that you want to extend your DEV schemas that you’ve created them while installing Oracle Webcenter Portal. Following below required steps:

对于Oracle Webcenter Content,这里也会发生相同的情况,但是在此例外情况下,您想扩展在安装Oracle Webcenter Portal时创建的DEV模式。 遵循以下必需步骤:

  • Navigate into your Repository Creation Utility (RCU) that you’ve unzipped into your environment. We’ve assumed your RCU location is D:\OracleWebCenter\rcuHome.

    导航到已解压缩到环境中的存储库创建实用程序(RCU)。 我们假设您的RCU位置是D:\OracleWebCenter\rcuHome
  • From bin directory type rcu.bat.

  • Waiting till you see RCU welcome screen.

  • Click next and choose Create.

  • Fill in database connection details. Basically, you should use a database user that has sysadmin privilege like sys user.

    填写数据库连接详细信息。 基本上,您应该使用具有sysadmin特权的数据库用户(例如sys user)。
  • Click next and waiting till RCU finished checking prerequisite. In case you faced database version warning, just ignore it.

    单击下一步,直到RCU完成检查先决条件。 如果遇到数据库版本警告,请忽略它。
  • From Select Components screen, select an existing Prefix DEV and make sure you’re selecting also Webcenter Content box.

    在“选择组件”屏幕上,选择一个现有的Prefix DEV ,并确保同时选择“ Webcenter内容”框。
  • Notice those check boxes that are selected and disabled at the same time. Actually those boxes are installed previously. Click next and make sure you don’t get any failure.

    注意同时选中和禁用的那些复选框。 实际上,这些盒子是以前安装的。 单击下一步,并确保您没有任何失败。
  • Click Okay, and set general password for all schemas.

  • Click next and make sure all Tablespaces are asterisked which means those Tablespaces are new.

  • Click next and accept the confirmation and wait till Tablespaces being created.

  • Click Okay and create.

  • Waiting completion of repository creation.

  • Click close.


扩展Oracle Webcenter Portal域 (Extend Oracle Webcenter Portal Domain)

If you recall, you won’t be able of using Oracle Webcenter Portal if you didn’t create a domain that’s leveraged it. The same issue should be done here, where your domain must be extended by Oracle Webcenter Content before any further using for it.

回想一下,如果您未创建利用它的域,则将无法使用Oracle Webcenter Portal。 应该在此处执行相同的问题,在该域中,必须先通过Oracle Webcenter Content扩展您的域,然后再对其进行进一步使用。

To extend your domain, you should follow these below steps:


  • Execute config.cmd that can be found either beneath D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\Oracle_WC\common\bin directory or D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\Oracle_ECM\common\bin .

    If you recall Oracle_WC is your Oracle Webcenter Portal Home directory and from there you were created a new domain for your Portal.

    执行config.cmd ,可以在D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\Oracle_WC\common\bin目录下,也可以在D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\Oracle_WC\common\bin D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\Oracle_ECM\common\bin

    如果您还记得Oracle_WC是Oracle Webcenter Portal主目录,则从那里为Portal创建了一个新域。

  • Check Extend an existing Weblogic domain from the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard and click next.

    从“融合中间件配置向导”中选中“ 扩展现有Weblogic域 ”,然后单击“下一步”。
  • Specify your domain that you want to extend it by adding Oracle Webcenter Content facility and click next.

    通过添加Oracle Webcenter Content工具来指定要扩展它的域,然后单击“下一步”。
  • Waiting for a while before the window has returned, then make sure you’re selecting all components that’s Post Fixed with Oracle_ECM keyword.

  • In case you’ve not created domain yet, you may select Create a new Weblogic Domain.

  • From select domain source window, select all components that are Post Fixed with Oracle_WC Oracle_ECM keywords. By each selection, the window may select those common libraries automatically.

    从“选择域源”窗口中,选择使用Oracle_WCOracle_ECM关键字进行后固定的所有组件。 通过每次选择,窗口可以自动选择那些公共库。

Make sure you’re not made any intentional selection for both of common & wlserver libraries as they may cause the process to be failed.


  • It would rather extend your domain by adding Webcenter Content components as you’re already created a Webcenter Portal domain in the Oracle Webcenter Portal installation Tutorial mentioned above. For now click next.

    宁愿通过添加Webcenter Content组件来扩展域,因为您已经在上述Oracle Webcenter Portal安装教程中创建了Webcenter Portal域。 现在,单击下一步。
  • From configure JDBC component schema, make sure you’re providing the proper value and selecting the proper schemas as you already have all Portal schemas.

  • Click next and make sure you’re getting all schemas tested correctly.

  • From select Optional Configuration, you have to configure your Content Managed Server.

    从选择可选配置中,您必须配置Content Managed Server。
  • Check your servers, listen addresses and ports. Don’t worry about those are relevant for Oracle Webcenter Portal as the configure wizard will handle them properly.

    检查您的服务器,监听地址和端口。 不用担心那些与Oracle Webcenter Portal相关的问题,因为配置向导会正确处理它们。
  • Click next and bypass configure cluster by another next.

  • Make sure your node manager is configured to be listened at all local addresses and click next.

  • Assign all content servers that you have into your created machine.

  • Click next and then Extend.

  • Make sure you’re extended your domain successfully.


验证Oracle Webcenter Content安装 (Verify Oracle Webcenter Content Installation)

At this point you have a proper installation of Oracle Webcenter Content. Now you can ensure this by getting content server up and running and accessing the administration application of it.

至此,您已经正确安装了Oracle Webcenter Content。 现在,您可以通过启动内容服务器并运行并访问它的管理应用程序来确保这一点。

To make sure this you may follow below steps:


  • Start your node manager. This actually will help you getting all managed servers controlled by using either of Administration console or enterprise manager.

    启动您的节点管理器。 实际上,这将帮助您使用管理控制台或企业管理器来控制所有受管服务器。
  • Execute D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin>startNodeManager.cmd to get node manager started.

  • Start your Administration server by executing D:\OracleWebCenter\OracleWC\WL6Middleware\user_projects\domains\JournalDev>startWebLogic.cmd.

  • Open enterprise manager by accessing

  • Enter your username and password weblogic/weblogic123.

    输入您的用户名和密码weblogic / weblogic123。
  • Expand Weblogic domain and click on UCM_server1.

  • From Weblogic Server menu above, choose controls and then start up.

    从上面的Weblogic Server菜单中,选择控件,然后启动。
  • Waiting until the UCM server started.

  • You may now access the UCM by typing the URL

  • Enter weblogic/weblogic123 to enter into your UCM home.

    输入weblogic / weblogic123进入UCM主页。
  • The first accessing of UCM should lead you for Webcenter Content Configuration.

  • These values listed above would help you know / modify the configuration that you may use later on.

  • Enable FullText search option by selecting Internal value.

  • Submit the configuration page and restart this content server from enterprise manager.

  • Make sure you’re now able of logging into UCM normally.


配置Oracle Content Server (Configure Oracle Content Server)

Mainly, you have configured your content server as you may use it normally for adding, removing and updating the digital documents by using Oracle Webcenter content administration facilities.

通常,您已经配置了内容服务器,因为您可以正常使用它来通过Oracle Webcenter内容管理工具来添加,删除和更新数字文档。

To prepare Oracle Webcenter content for Oracle Webcenter Portal or Portal Framework Applications, you must enable either the Folders_g or the FrameworkFolders component, and the WebcenterConfigure component.

要为Oracle Webcenter Portal或Portal Framework应用程序准备Oracle Webcenter内容,必须启用Folders_gFrameworkFolders组件以及WebcenterConfigure组件。

Basically, Oracle offers two folders solutions: Folders_g (Contribution Folders) and FrameworkFolders components as hierarchical folder interface for Oracle Webcenter content for organizing and locating some or all of the content in the repository.

基本上,Oracle提供了两种文件夹解决方案: Folders_g(贡献文件夹)FrameworkFolders组件,作为Oracle Webcenter内容的分层文件夹接口,用于组织和查找存储库中的部分或全部内容。

All releases of Oracle Webcenter that before have considered Folders_g (Contribution Folders) as the implementation for that interface while all releases after including itself have used the latest implementation FrameworkFolders.

在11.之前的所有Oracle Webcenter版本都将F olds_g(贡献文件夹)视为该接口的实现,而在11.之后的所有版本(包括其自身)都使用了最新的FrameworkFolders实现。

If you were used earlier version of Oracle Webcenter Portal or patched it from previous version, you must continue using of Folders_g, but in case you’re using new installations of Oracle Webcenter Portal, it’s recommended that you enable the FrameworkFolders component. Using of FrameworkFolders implementation will facilitate you new features and better performance.

如果您使用的是Oracle Webcenter Portal的早期版本或对其进行了修补,则必须继续使用Folders_g ,但是如果使用的是Oracle Webcenter Portal的新安装,建议您启用FrameworkFolders组件。 使用FrameworkFolders实施将为您提供新功能和更好的性能。

In case you’re going to enable FrameworkFolders implementation into other releases you should be aware of the following:


  • You should have a new installation of Oracle Webcenter Portal, usually your Oracle Webcenter Portal shouldn’t be patched from earlier releases (i.e. it should be a fresh instance).

    您应该重新安装Oracle Webcenter Portal,通常不应该从较早的版本中修补Oracle Webcenter Portal(即,它应该是一个新实例)。
  • You must have an Oracle Webcenter Content, with the FrameworkFolders component enabled.

    您必须具有启用了FrameworkFolders组件的Oracle Webcenter Content。
  • Content Server should never have been configured to run with the Folders_g component. You must not enable FrameworkFolde if you were enabled Folders_g previously.

    绝对不应将Content Server配置为与Folders_g组件一起运行。 如果以前启用过Folders_g,则不得启用FrameworkFolde

Unfortunately, if you were trying to use FrameworkFolders with Oracle Webcenter Portal you may face a lot of issues that will prevent you from getting it integrated with that Oracle Content installed. You may face error says The service COLLECTION_GET_ADMIN_MARKED_CONFIG was called with user sysadmin at time 1/29/15 12:10 AM, and returned statuscode -32.

不幸的是,如果您尝试将FrameworkFolders与Oracle Webcenter Portal一起使用,则可能会遇到很多问题,这些问题将使您无法将其与所安装的Oracle Content集成。 您可能会遇到错误,说服务COLLECTION_GET_ADMIN_MARKED_CONFIG是在15年1月29日上午12:10以用户sysadmin调用的,并返回状态码-32。

As such the Folders_g implementation will be used instead, but let’s see now the major difference between those two solutions. Mainly, both of them are providing hierarchical folder interface for the Content Server but they’re actually having different way in which the contents are organized with (i.e. directory structure).

这样,将使用Folders_g实现,但是现在让我们看一下这两种解决方案之间的主要区别。 主要是,它们两者都为Content Server提供了层次结构的文件夹界面,但是实际上它们以不同的方式组织内容(即目录结构)。

When your Oracle Webcenter Portal uses Content Server repository with Folders_g enabled, all of your Portals are stored under the Webcenter Portal root folder (Which determined while setup, you may assume it WebCenter0202). Each user has a personal folder in the Home Portal is stored under the Path /PersonalSpaces, and this folder is named after the user.

当您的Oracle Webcenter Portal使用启用了Folders_g的 Content Server存储库时,所有门户都存储在Webcenter Portal根文件夹下(在安装时确定,您可以将其假定为WebCenter0202 )。 每个用户在Home Portal中都有一个个人文件夹,该文件夹存储在Path / PersonalSpaces下 ,此文件夹以该用户命名。

In contrast, when Webcenter Portal is configured to use FrameworkFolders, all Portal folders and personal folders are treated as enterprise libraries and are stored under the path /Enterprise Libraries. Figure below may help you visualized what the folders can be in both cases:

相反,将Webcenter Portal配置为使用FrameworkFolders时 ,所有Portal文件夹和个人文件夹都被视为企业库,并存储在/ Enterprise Libraries路径下。 下图可以帮助您直观地了解这两种情况下的文件夹:

Assumed below:


  • HR Portal, contains HR policies and documents.

  • Partner Portal: contains documents related to partners.

  • Users: Karen, Monty and Sam.


Figure below will see you how Content Server will formulate the integration from its point of view: As this will show you the created folders: JournalDevWebcenter and PersonalSpaces that content server has promised you to create them once the integration got done.

下图将显示Content Server如何从其角度制定集成:因为这将向您显示已创建的文件夹: JournalDevWebcenterPersonalSpaces ,内容服务器已答应您在集成完成后创建它们。

Now, it’s time to configure your Oracle Webcenter Content to use FrameworkFolders component by follow below steps:

现在,是时候按照以下步骤配置Oracle Webcenter Content以使用FrameworkFolders组件了:

  • Make sure you’re aligned with the conditions mentioned above to get your Oracle Webcenter Portal configured properly.

    确保符合上述条件,以正确配置Oracle Webcenter Portal。
  • Log on to Oracle Webcenter Content as administrator. Actually, you will do this by using weblogic/weblogic123 as it is administrator user.

    以管理员身份登录到Oracle Webcenter Content。 实际上,您将通过使用weblogic / weblogic123作为管理员用户来执行此操作。
  • Choose Administration, then Admin Server, then Component Manager from the main menu showed at the left pane.

  • Make option of FrameworkFolders checked.

  • Click Update. This can be viewed at the bottom of the page.

    单击更新。 可以在页面底部查看。
  • Again return on the same page and click the link of advanced component manager.

  • Make sure Folders_g appears in the Disabled Components list.

  • Restart your instance of Oracle Webcenter content.

    重新启动您的Oracle Webcenter内容实例。

And make sure it’s restarted successfully


Now, If you want to enable Folders_g you need to follow the same procedure by following below:

现在,如果要启用Folders_g ,则需要遵循以下相同的步骤:

  • Log on to Oracle Webcenter Content as administrator. Actually, you will do this by using weblogic/weblogic123 as it is administrator user.

    以管理员身份登录到Oracle Webcenter Content。 实际上,您将通过使用weblogic / weblogic123作为管理员用户来执行此操作。
  • Choose Administration, then Admin Server, then Component Manager from the main menu showed at the left pane.

  • Make option of FrameworkFolders unchecked if it’s checked before.

  • Click Update.

  • Open advanced component manager once again.

  • Make sure you’re enabled Folders_g.

  • Restart Oracle Webcenter Content instance.

    重新启动Oracle Webcenter Content实例。

Now, it’s time to enable WebcenterConfigure by following the below:


  • Enable WebcenterConfigure by selecting its checkbox from Component Manager and click update.

    通过从组件管理器中选中其复选框来启用WebcenterConfigure ,然后单击“更新”。
  • Restart your Oracle Webcenter Content instance.

    重新启动您的Oracle Webcenter Content实例。
  • Open your Oracle Enterprise Manager

    打开您的Oracle Enterprise Manager。
  • Expand WebCenter / Portal / Spaces / Webcenter Portal Tab.

    展开WebCenter /门户/空间/ Webcenter门户选项卡。
  • Click on the Service configuration showed above.

  • Navigate into Content Repository connections.

    导航到Content Repository连接。
  • Click add to add new Oracle Webcenter content repository connection.

    单击添加以添加新的Oracle Webcenter内容存储库连接。
  • Fill in required information for Socket integration like below:


通过Oracle Webcenter Portal Content Presenter组件公开数字内容 (Expose Digital Contents Through Oracle Webcenter Portal Content Presenter Component)

Oracle Webcenter Portal’s support for JCR 1.0 open document standard enables integration with multiple back-end content stores. Different repositories got supported by Oracle Webcenter Portal like Oracle Webcenter Content Server, Microsoft SharePoint, Oracle Portal 10g and file system.

Oracle Webcenter Portal对JCR 1.0开放文档标准的支持可与多个后端内容存储库集成。 Oracle Webcenter Portal支持不同的存储库,例如Oracle Webcenter Content Server,Microsoft SharePoint,Oracle Portal 10g和文件系统。

This integration can be done through using one of three choices below:


  • Content Repository data controls.

  • Document Tools.

  • Content Presenter.


Oracle Webcenter Portal has a built-in Content Presenter component that enable you of seeing/managing the documents in its document folder that you were created while content repository integration above.

Oracle Webcenter Portal具有一个内置的Content Presenter组件,使您可以查看/管理上面的内容存储库集成时在其文档文件夹中创建的文档。

  • Open your Oracle Webcenter Portal by accessing

    通过访问https://打开Oracle Webcenter Portal。
  • Navigate into Documents Tab that’s listed beside Activities.

  • Create folder under weblogic folder and name it JournalDev. This can be done easily through File – New Folder.

    在weblogic文件夹下创建文件夹,并将其命名为JournalDev。 可以通过“文件–新建文件夹”轻松完成此操作。
  • Check your content server and see the new created JournalDev folder.

  • Add content from content server instance inside JournalDev folder created. From New Item – New Content and finally check in.

    从创建的JournalDev文件夹内的内容服务器实例添加内容。 从“新项目-新内容”中,最后签入。
  • See added file from Oracle Webcenter Content Presenter.

    请参阅Oracle Webcenter Content Presenter中添加的文件。
  • Add new content from Portal Content Presenter. Use Upload action and fill in the information required and drop the file used and click Upload.

    从Portal Content Presenter添加新内容。 使用“上载”操作并填写所需的信息,然后删除使用的文件,然后单击“上载”。
  • Once you uploaded the file, you should see the file added listed in the Content Presenter.

    上传文件后,您应该会在Content Presenter中看到添加的文件。

These samples shown above will definitely let you understand the concept of integration that have been done. At least you should have one content repository connection active and as so to make the built-in Content Presenter component functional willingly.

上面显示的这些示例肯定会让您了解已完成的集成概念。 至少您应该有一个活动的内容存储库连接,这样才能使内置的Content Presenter组件正常运行。

摘要 (Summary)

Oracle Webcenter Portal & Oracle Webcenter Content can be integrated smoothly through a well-defined steps. If you want to walk through Oracle documentation, you may face a lot of detailed steps that may got you confused.

Oracle Webcenter Portal和Oracle Webcenter Content可以通过定义明确的步骤进行平滑集成。 如果您想遍历Oracle文档,则可能会遇到许多可能使您感到困惑的详细步骤。

This tutorial is just a trial to make this so easy for you, so contribute us by commenting below and follow us in the next coming tutorials that would cover the Oracle Webcenter Portal features and facilities.

本教程只是为使您轻松做到这一点而进行的试用,因此,请通过在下面的注释中对我们做出贡献,并在接下来的涵盖Oracle Webcenter Portal功能和设施的教程中关注我们。



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